- JavaScript
- Babel
- Webpack
- API Implementations
- Search for any food recipe that is available from the Forkify API 🔎 🍴,
- Automatically adjusts the ingredients values depending on the serving size,
- The ability to add custom recipes to the application (using local storage),
- Being able to bookmark recipes to find them quicker (using local storage).
This is a recipe searching web application, which use the API provided by Jonas Schmedtmann. It was developed within JavaScript. The project was focused around writing in the latest JavaScript version (2021).
The app was created as part of Jonas Schmedtmann's JavaScript course on Udemy. The HTML and CSS code involved in this project were pre-written by Jonas Schmedtmann. To find more info about the API click on this link it will bring you to the API page.
- Editing function on custom created recipes
- The ability to remove custom created recipes
- Complete re-style of the CSS/SASS