# ------------------------------------------------
# Zelo*s "Multi" Blocklist - for a better internet
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# An all in one blocklist that can be used as a
# stand alone blocklist. For every region.
# Blocks:
# ads, tracking, metrics, telemetry, phishing,
# malware, coins and other "crap".
# This blocklist was designed to avoid false
# positive domains as much as possible and
# not to block any needed features.
# Maximum blocking with full functionality.
# It was compiled from numerous sources,
# my own blacklist and various whitelists.
# To keep the list as small as possible,
# dead domains are removed regularly.
# It is updated daily and is available in
# the following formats:
# domains, hosts and adblock.
# See: https://github.com/Zelo72
# Created for purely personal, private use.
# Keep the internet clean!
# ------------------------------------------------
# Support/Report false positive:
# GitHub: https://github.com/Zelo72
# Discord: Zelo72#7513
# Mail: zelo72@dismail.de
# ------------------------------------------------
Dead-Hosts is the replacement of the original idea behind funilrys/dead-hosts. Indeed, the idea was to test - with the help of PyFunceble and Travis CI - hosts file, list of domains or even bocklist to have a list of only active domains or IP.
Today, we provide our infrastructure for anybody who want it. Just ask!
PyFunceble is the tool that our infrastructure use to get the status (ACTIVE, INVALID, INACTIVE) of a given domain or IPv4.
Please find more information about it there: