
Scan files with Yara and send rule matches to VirusTotal reports as comments

Primary LanguagePython

Yara VirusTotal Commenter

You know you scan files with Yara anyways, why not give your findings back to the community?
This script can scan a folder of samples against a provided Yara ruleset and optionally submit the matching Yara rule names to each files respective VirusTotal report as a comment.

Important: Use this script only with high-confidence Yara rules to avoid spamming VT with misleading comments


This code hasn't yet been tested in any real way. I would not recommend using it :)


$ python yara_vt.py --help                                                                                                                                                 (master)
usage: yara_vt.py [-h] -r RULES -s SAMPLES [-k KEY] -c

Scan directory with Yara and submit matches to VirusTotal samples as comments

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -r RULES, --rules RULES
                        yara rules directory
  -s SAMPLES, ---samples SAMPLES
                        samples directory to scan

  -k KEY, --key KEY     virustotal API key
  -c, --comment         submit virustotal comments