
🚀 Serverless Hello World example that runs every 2 minutes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


🚀 Serverless Hello World example that runs every 2 minutes

Rename env.example.json file to env.json file when deploying

1. Set-Up

Make sure you have Node.js installed and run:

$ npm i serverless -g

You can use serverless & sls interchangeably

Then, check the version to make sure you are using V1.16.0, or later:

$ sls -v

2. Login

First, log in to the serverless platform in via the CLI

$ sls login

After logging into the platfrom via the serverless framework CLI every deploy will be published to the Serverless Platform.

3. Create new service

Create a new service using the Node.js template, specifying a unique name and an optional path for your service.

$ sls create --template aws-nodejs --path my-service

Change directory to the new service

$ cd my-service

4. Deploy the service

Use this when you have made changes to your Functions, Events or Resources in serverless.yml or you simply want to deploy all changes within your Service at the same time.

Give it a try with a new service, or an existing service:

$ sls deploy -v

5. Invoke the Function

Invokes a Function and returns logs.

$ sls invoke -f hello -l

6. Fetch the Function Logs

Open up a separate tab in your console, set your Provider Credentials and stream all logs for a specific Function using this command.

$ sls logs -f hello -t

7. Remove the Function

If at any point, you no longer need your service, you can run the following command to remove the Functions, Events and Resources that were created, and ensure that you don't incur any unexpected charges.

$ sls remove

To learn more about Serverless, checkout Serverless Framework, The Power of Serverless, Awesome Serverless & Serverless Stack