
Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

This represents the overall distribution and customization module for PIH Malawi

Build PIH Malawi development environment with OpenMRS SDK

NOTE The following are variables which can be modified:

serverId = malawi
database = openmrs_neno
source code = ~/workspace
module name = pihmalawi for openmrs-module-pihmalawi

Linux instructions

Install prerequisites

  1. Install Java and Maven
  2. Install git
    • sudo apt-get install git
  3. To setup the OpenMRS SDK, you just need to open up a terminal/console and enter:
    • mvn org.openmrs.maven.plugins:openmrs-sdk-maven-plugin:setup-sdk
Configure mySQL Server to work with OpenMRS
  1. Edit MySQL server config file
    • On Mac OS, the config file is located at /etc/my.cnf:
    • On Ubuntu
    • I think in Malawi the GMT offset is +2:00?
  2. Restart mysql server
  3. Log on mysql server and check the time zone:
    mysql -u root -p
    SELECT @@global.time_zone;   
  4. It should display something like:
    | @@global.time_zone |
    | -04:00             |

Source the PIH Malawi database

Download a de-identified backup and source the database:

mysql -u root -p mysql
(enter password)

GRANT ALL ON `openmrs_neno`.* TO 'openmrs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'openmrs';

use openmrs_neno;

source *name of openmrs neno database*.sql

Install OpenMRS SDK

  1. Setup source code directory

    • cd ~
    • mkdir workspace
    • cd workspace
  2. Get PIH Malawi module from git

  3. Install the PIH Malawi omod in your local maven repo

    • from the directory you have PIH Malawi checked out build the pihmalawi distribution:
    mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdistribution
  4. Setup SDK

    • mvn openmrs-sdk:setup -DserverId=malawi
    • Type '1' to setup a distribution
    • Set custom distribution = 'org.openmrs.distro:pihmalawi:X-Y-Z-SNAPSHOT' (see pom.xml for current version)
    • Set -DdbUri=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openmrs_neno
    • or, just run the following command
    mvn openmrs-sdk:setup -DserverId=malawi -Ddistro=org.openmrs.distro:pihmalawi:7.0.0-SNAPSHOT -DdbUri=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openmrs_neno -DdbUser=openmrs -DdbPassword=openmrs
  5. Install configuration

    • cd configuration
    • ./install.sh (eg. ./install.sh malawi)
  6. Run SDK

    • mvn openmrs-sdk:run -DserverId=malawi

Using your local development environment

With the Chrome browser, use this URL:


Modify development environment

If you want to modify and test the PIH Malawi module, you can "watch" the the module for the "malawi" project. You can add a module as watched by the selected server executing the openmrs-sdk:watch command in module's project directory.

cd ~/workspace/pihmalawi
mvn openmrs-sdk:watch -DserverId=malawi
mvn openmrs-sdk:run -DserverId=malawi

Release to maven a new version of pihmalawi module

  1. Navigate to CI Bamboo pihmalawi project

  2. Select Actions --> Configuration

  3. Click Run

  4. Once the Default Stage Stage completes

  5. Click on the Run button/icon next to the Release to Maven stage

  6. A pop-up screen will be displayed where you have to override the Maven variables:

    • maven.release.version = THE_NEW_RELEASE_VERSION (e.g. 6.8.0)
    • maven.development.version = THE_NEXT_SNAPSHOT_VERSION (e.g. 6.9.0-SNAPSHOT) Release to maven
  7. Click Run

Additional references