
  • The project is built using Vite which is super fast.
  • I know it says to not worry about styling, but I added some basics using OpenProps
  • The AttendanceManagement component is wrapped in react-error-boundary - See src/App.tsx. This is a re-usable components that allows a fallback component to be passed in, and also allows resetting the boundary if it is invoked (e.g. for a try again button).
  • I've recently been doing the Epic React course so the useAsync and useSafeDispatch methods are fresh in my mind. These handle data fetching and prevention of sending data to an unmounted component.
  • Load more functionality is faked in src/components/AttendanceList.tsx by putting the returned data into local state and only displaying 10 from that array. The load more button simply adds 10 to the loadCount to update. Mmm, basic.
  • Checkin and Checkout states are copied to a useState within src/components/AttendanceList.tsx. That way I can keep a track of the current status without needing to recall the data from the API. This could mean that state gets out of sync, though there is error handling should an update fail.
  • Checkin and Checkout could also follow a pattern similar to useAsync in setting states so feedback could be shown while the processes are happening.

Final thoughts

  • Mimicking the load more funcationality would have been better done within src/utils/fetchClients.ts. That way src/components/AttendanceList.tsx would have been free from state leaving a more lighweight and dumb component.
  • As mentioned above, checkin and checkout functionality could be abstracted and their functionality wrapped in an error boundary so any failure on their part could be recovered from with a "try again" button.
  • There aren't any unit tests but with the abstractions mentioned above there would be a seperation of concerns that would allow display and functionality to be tested independently. I'm a fan of testing-library as it creates a good mindset around testing from a users point of view.
  • If you're running this with npm run dev don't forget to copy .env.example to .env and add the tokens.

Interested in working for Famly?

Give us a chance to see your beautiful code! 🤩

How to get started:

  • Fork this repository
  • Create a small application in React (or another agreed upon framework)
  • Describe your design decisions and setup instructions in the of the forked repository

The assignment

You are tasked to build a simple application for a nursery to manage the attendance of children each day.

The application should be able to do 3 things:

  1. List children with some form of pagination/lazy-loading/infinite-scroll
  2. Checkin a child
  3. Checkout a child

There are no other requirements than that—don't worry about design or anything like that.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to (Christian) or (Adam) ☺️

API Specification

You will receive an access token in an email during the recruiment process.

Fetch some children from

The API does not support any limit or offset, so the pagination/lazy-loading/infinite-scroll will have to be done client-side only.

Arguments: {
	accessToken: <accessToken>,
	groupId: '86413ecf-01a1-44da-ba73-1aeda212a196',
	institutionId: 'dc4bd858-9e9c-4df7-9386-0d91e42280eb'

Example in cURL:

curl "<accessToken>&groupId=86413ecf-01a1-44da-ba73-1aeda212a196&institutionId=dc4bd858-9e9c-4df7-9386-0d91e42280eb"

Checkin child


Arguments: {
	accessToken: <accessToken>
	pickupTime: 16:00

Example in cURL:

curl \
  -d 'accessToken=<accessToken>&pickupTime=16:00' \

Checkout child

Arguments: {
	accessToken: <accessToken>

Example in cURL:

curl \
  -d 'accessToken=<accessToken>' \