
Giles Event Correlation Engine Compiler

Primary LanguagePython




  Giles is a compiler for production systems.  Production systems
  are useful computational systems for such domains as event
  correlation engines, expert systems, and action-selection
  mechanisms.  Giles is unique in that it turns a normal relational
  database into a production system without any additional software
  required at runtime.  Given a description of a production system
  in a domain specific language, Giles will produce a schema for a
  relational database management system.  That schema will create
  a database that is completely self-contained and implements the
  described production system efficiently and simply.  This makes
  production systems accessible to far more programmers in far more
  situations by allowing programmers to use preexisting database
  engines and libraries.

  The Giles Project is hosted at:



  General documentation is located in the docs directory.  See the
  README.INSTALL file for instructions on how to build, test, and
  install the framework.


  The terms and conditions under which this software is released are
  set forth in README.LICENSE.