Unofficial android app for searching the web with Searx. Uses Flutter webview. Note that I am not affiliated with Searx.
- Default instance is one of mine: (change code to: but didn't get around to recompiling for it)
- Navigation Options:
- Home - tap on the title (top left text - searx instance name)
- Back
- Forward
- Refresh
- Open in browser - opens current page in your web browser
- Menu Options:
- Select Searx Instance - takes you to the page that lists all of the active public searx instances - tap on the one you want to use
- Enter Custom Searx Instance - Put in the url of the instance you want to choose - will default to revert to default if url isn't valid
- Select Searx Instance - takes you to the page that lists all of the active public searx instances - tap on the one you want to use
- Tested/built for android only, not iOS
See v1.0 release
I have no plans of updating this in the future, feel free to fork and change/publish whatever