
Send Email using Sendgird and Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Send Email using Sendgird and Node.js

For every every web application, there is a need to send the user an email. In this article, I would love to explin you how easy it is to setup Sendgrid with Node.Js.

Node Setup

npm init -y

Installing SendGrid

npm install @sendgrid/mail

Install dotenv from npm

You want to read the .env file and the dotenv package on npm does this very well. Install the dotenv package by running the following command

npm install dotenv

Set Sendgrid API Key in .env file


Read the .env file

It’s time to read the .env file with a little bit of code. Replace the contents of your index.js file with the following code.

const dotenv = require('dotenv');

Import Sendgrid class to send Email

It’s time to read the .env file with a little bit of code. Replace the contents of your index.js file with the following code.

const sendGridMail = require('@sendgrid/mail');

Create one function to Get Email Body Message

function  getMessage() {
const  body = 'This is a test email using SendGrid from Node.js';
return {
    to:  'abc@gmail.com',
    from:  'xyz@gmail.com',
    subject:  'Test email with Node.js and SendGrid',
    text:  body,
    html:  `<strong>${body}</strong>`,

Create one function for Sending Email

async function sendEmail() {
  try {
    await sendGridMail.send(getMessage());
    console.log('Test email sent successfully');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error sending test email');
    if (error.response) {

Initiate Send Email Function


I hope you liked the article, you can use this Repo for sending Email using Sendgrid API. You can create your own function to scale this boilerplate