
This project various ways kafka can be used along with some sample codes.

Primary LanguageJava

Task List:

  • Write a Producer with simple Serializer
  • Write a Producer with complex Serializer
  • Write a Producer with Kafka running on Confluent Cloud
  • Testcases for the Producer
  • Monitor Kafka Cluster and Clients

Kafka Integration

Envirionment Setup

  • Confluent version used : 6.2.0
  • Java version used : 11

Docker Setup

  • Navigate: cd Kafka-Setup/Kafka-Docker-Setup
  • Run: docker-compose up -d --build
  • Download Kafka Management Scripts: https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=/kafka/2.5.0/kafka-2.5.0-src.tgz
  • Compile the code from the root after unzipping the above file: ./gradlew jar -PscalaVersion=2.12.10
  • Bring Env up: docker-compose up
  • Bring the env down: docker-compose down

Automation Script

  • Write script to spin up local kafka instance
  • Write script to spin up local confluent kafka with schema registry instance
  • Write script to:
    • Create topic
    • Delete records in topic
    • Delete topic
  • Write script to create Java based project for Kafka
  • Write script to create Java based project for Kafka Streams