Semi-supervised sentence classification for oncological abstracts
Installation requires a Unix system with python3, pip3, and Python3 dependencies setuptools and nltk installed. (ideally scipy and scikit-learn are installed already, as their dependencies can be problematic. Tested on macOS and Ubuntu)
installs additional Python dependencies with pip (if necessary and possible), downloads nltk data packages and the Hallmarks of Cancer corpus.
(working directory = from the project root containing this file)
mkdir semisuper/pickles semisuper/resources/HoCCorpus semisuper/silver_standard
Install Python dependencies (can be installed using pip3; scipy may require additional math libraries):
- numpy==1.13.3
- scipy==0.19.1
- scikit-learn==0.19.1
- pandas==0.20.3
- Unidecode==0.4.21
- biopython==1.70
- nltk==3.2.4
For training new models, .txt files from the Hallmarks of Cancer corpus from must be unpacked to semisuper/resources/HoCCorpus
python3 [<max_abstracts>]
runs a simple demo (and training, if no precomputed pipeline and silver standard exist). A random sample (optional parameter max_abstracts, default 400) of preloaded articles is processed by a pretrained classifier. Results are ouput as demo.html, a static HTML file where these articles' key sentences are highlighted, with opacity according to prediction confidence.
If semisuper/pickles/sent_test_abstracts.pickle does not exist, new articles for the query "cancer" are fetched from PubMed. It is a good idea to use large max_abstracts (e.g. 1000, 200K, but not just 20) once, so that there is a pool of downloaded abstracts for subsequent runs to randomly draw from. Otherwise, small samples of the latest PubMed cancer articles may have obscure topics.
If /semisuper/pickles/semi_pipeline.pickle or /semisuper/silver_standard/silver_standard.tsv does not exist, a new model is trained first.
trains a new classifier, using the latest nightly CIViC dump, and saves the resulting pipeline to semisuper/pickles/semi_pipeline.pickle. The silver standard corpus generated in the process is saved to semisuper/silver_standard.tsv (the corpus is required by for normalising confidence scores to the [0,1] range).
Currently, this performs hyperparameter search for iterative SVM only. To test additional models, the return statement of function estimator_list() in semisuper/ must be changed. Likewise, n-gram options and feature selection methods can be uncommented in the same module's preproc_param_dict() function. The parameter combination with the highest accuracy score in simple 80%-20% validation is chosen for the resulting pipeline. contains the class KeySentencePredictor which can be used to process a list X of dictionaries containing keys "abstract" and "pmid". (This class is used by and semisuper/tests/
Calling transform(X) or predict(X) return a dictionary containing a list of key sentences for each pmid, of the form:
{<pmid_i> : [ <start_i0, end_i0, score_i0>, <start_i1, end_i1, score_i1>, ... ], <pmid_i+1> : ... }
If semisuper/pickles/semi_pipeline.pickle or semisuper/silver_standard.tsv does not exist, a new pipeline and silver standard are generated.