
Docker compose infrastructure for development HPCCloud

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



This project is a fork of Kitware's repositories. The infrastruture of the repository for development. A word 'kemsu' in the title means that the development is directed for research at Kemerovo State University

The main Goal of HPCCloud

Web interface to the HPCCloud infrastructure that abstract simulation environment and resources on which you can run those simulations.

Our Goal

HPCCloud web-based interface that can run OpenFoam simulation

Official Kitware's repositories

Running it

git clone https://github.com/dealenx/hpccloud-kemsu.git
cd hpccloud-kemsu

If you have run the system before, you may need to re-pull the stack of images:

docker-compose pull

And then you can bring the system up with:

docker-compose up -d

Once done, make sure ansible is done configuring the various bits by looking at the following log

docker logs -f hpccloud-services_ansible_1

At that point you should be able to connect to http://localhost:8888 and login as demo/letmein
or hpccloud/letmein

If you want to stop the services you can run the command

docker-compose down


While in Russian, soon i will translate

Начнем с создания общей папки hpccloud-workflow:

mkdir hpccloud-workflow
cd hpccloud-workflow

Необходимо будет настроить такую структуру папок:

├── hpccloud-workflow
│	├── hpccloud-kemsu
│	├── simput-kemsu

Поэтому клонируем репозитории в папке hpccloud-workflow:

git clone https://github.com/dealenx/hpccloud-kemsu.git
git clone https://github.com/dealenx/simput-kemsu.git

После того, как запустились Docker-контейнеры, можно приступать к разработке.

Команды для разработки фронтенда:

cd hpccloud-kemsu
nvm use 10
npm install
npm run build:watch

После запуска build:watch обновленный билд будет доступен в папке dist и Docker-контейнер монтирует эту папку, предоставляя доступ на localhost:8888

Что касается бекенда, то внутри контейнера монтируются все исходные файлы, а также запуск Girder происходит в режиме разработчика girder serve --mode development.

Поэтому измененные плагины в папке ./server будут автоматически обновляться.

Пример просматриваемых логов в контейнере girder после запуска и обновление исходных файлов:

Running in mode: development
Connecting to MongoDB: mongodb://mongodb:27017/girder
Loaded plugin "cumulus_plugin"
Loaded plugin "sftp"
Loaded plugin "taskflow"
Loaded plugin "hpccloud_plugin"
Loaded plugin "pvwproxy_plugin"
[19/Apr/2020:13:26:15] ENGINE Bus STARTING
Started asynchronous event manager thread.
[19/Apr/2020:13:26:15] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
[19/Apr/2020:13:26:15] ENGINE Serving on
[19/Apr/2020:13:26:15] ENGINE Bus STARTED


$ cd simput-kemsu
$ nvm use 10
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm link
$ Simput

  Usage: Simput [options]


    -h, --help                    output usage information
    -V, --version                 output the version number

    -i, --input [file|directory]  Input file or directory
    -o, --output [directory]      Output directory to output to
    -t, --type [type]             Type of input

    --no-gui                      Just generate output
    -s, --silent                  Do not open the browser

    -c, --compile [directory]     Directory to compile files
    -m, --minify                  Minify compiled file
    -a, --add [file]              Add model to list of available inputs
    -l, --list                    List model types of available as inputs
    -r, --remove [type]           Remove model to list of available inputs
cd types/openfoam_tutorials
Simput -c src/ -o versions/ -t openfoam_tutorials
Simput -a versions/openfoam_tutorials.js
cd ../../
Simput -mc types/openfoam_tutorials/src/ -t openfoam_tutorials -o dist/types

Перейти в hpccloud-kemsu

$ cd ../hpccloud-kemsu
$ npm run install:simput
#or npm run install:openfoam


The documantation is not ready yet, but you can open here Also you can read official Kitware's docs here