
Set of open source libraries for .NET Core 3+

Primary LanguageC#


How to use the servicebus

Add the following packages to your csproj:

<PackageReference Include="Apoyos.Servicebus" Version="1.0.0-rc" />
<PackageReference Include="Apoyos.Servicebus.RabbitMQ" Version="1.0.0-rc" />

Add the servicebus to your container:


For all events you want to publish, add:


And for all event handlers you want to listen for events, add:

services.AddDomainEventListener<MyDomainEvent, MyDomainEventHandler>("my-domain-event");

Your configuration should look something like this:

  "Servicebus": {
    "ServiceName": "MyApplicationName",
    "RabbitMQ": {
      "Hostname": "RabbitMQHostname",
      "Username": "guest",
      "Password": "guest"

Using a custom serializer

By default Apoyos uses the JsonDomainEventSerializer in the Apoyos.Servicebus package.

Simply implement the IDomainEventSerializer interface and register it in the container after AddRabbitMQ.