
Tinder for Cats and Dogs API implementation using dart_frog 🐸

Primary LanguageDart

Tinder for Cats and Dogs API

Tinder for Cats and Dogs API implementation using dart_frog 🐸

Take your preferred REST client and test it here! πŸΈπŸš€

You can find the details at July Flutter Challenge and API information in this API Definition


Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 8 20 12 PM

βœ… Build the same API endpoints with the Dart 🐸 framework

βœ… Use Hive package as a lightweight and blazing fast key-value database

βœ… Implement basic authentication workflow. Generate and validate JWT tokens.

Steps to use it πŸš€

πŸ“¦ Install the dart_frog cli from pub.dev

dart pub global activate dart_frog_cli

πŸ“¦ Install dependencies

dart pub global activate dart_frog_cli

Build models and Hive type adapters

flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

🏁 Start the dev server

dart_frog dev

style: very good analysis License: MIT

An example application built with dart_frog