
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


EVM-compatible chain secured by the Lachesis consensus algorithm.

Galaxy transaction tracing node

Node with implemented OpenEthereum(Parity) transaction tracing API.

make galaxy

The build output is build/galaxy executable.

Running galaxy

Going through all the possible command line flags is out of scope here, but we've enumerated a few common parameter combos to get you up to speed quickly on how you can run your own galaxy instance.

Launching a network

Before first launching of your mainnet node you will need appropriate genesis file:

wget https://github.com/Flag-Blockchain/chain-binary/raw/master/mainnet.g

Or for testnet node:

wget https://github.com/Flag-Blockchain/chain-binary/raw/master/testnet.g

Launching galaxy readonly (non-validator) node for network specified by the genesis file:

$ galaxy --genesis mainnet.g


As an alternative to passing the numerous flags to the galaxy binary, you can also pass a configuration file via:

$ galaxy --config /path/to/your_config.toml

To get an idea how the file should look like you can use the dumpconfig subcommand to export your existing configuration:

$ galaxy --your-favourite-flags dumpconfig


New validator private key may be created with galaxy validator new command.

To launch a validator, you have to use --validator.id and --validator.pubkey flags to enable events emitter.

$ galaxy --nousb --validator.id YOUR_ID --validator.pubkey 0xYOUR_PUBKEY

galaxy will prompt you for a password to decrypt your validator private key. Optionally, you can specify password with a file using --validator.password flag.

This branch is for a transaction tracing node. It's not recommended to use this branch for an Galaxy validator.

Available methods


Building the source

Building galaxy requires a Go (version 1.15 or later) and a C compiler. Once the dependencies are installed, run:

make galaxy

The build output is build/galaxy executable.

Running go-galaxy node with tracing ability

It's recommended to launch new node from scratch with CLI option --tracenode as this flag has to be set to use stored transaction traces.

$ galaxy --genesis /path/to/genesis.g --tracenode

Tracing pre-genesis blocks

If you want to use tracing for pre-genesis blocks, you'll need to import evm history. You can find instructions here: importing evm history

Then enable JSON-RPC API with option trace (--http.api=eth,web3,net,txpool,flag,sfc,trace")

After that, you have to connect your nodes. Either connect them statically or specify a bootnode:

$ galaxy --fakenet 1/5 --bootnodes "enode://verylonghex@"

Running the demo

For the testing purposes, the full demo may be launched using:

cd demo/
./start.sh # start the Galaxy processes
./stop.sh # stop the demo
./clean.sh # erase the chain data

Check README.md in the demo directory for more information.