
kafka -> hadoop 2.7.6 参照:https://github.com/michal-harish/kafka-hadoop-loader

Primary LanguageJava


This is a hadoop job for incremental loading of kafka topics into hdfs. It works by creating a split for each partition, whether physical ( pre kafka v.0.8) or logical( kafka v0.8 or higher). It differs from the most comprehensive solution (Kafka Connect) mainly in that it works for simple, schema-less cases directly off kafka brokers without having to integrate with any other components.


It uses hdfs for check-pointing by defauit (a bit more work needs to be done to guarantee exactly-once delivery) but offers also a switch to use kafka's consumer group mechanism via zookeeper store. Each split is assigned to a task and when that task completes loading all the up-to-date messages in the given partition, the output file for the task is committed using the standard hadoop output committer mechanism.

Output Partitioning

The output paths are configurable via formatter which uses placeholders for topic name {T} and partition id {P} and the default format is:


This default format basically follows kafka partitioning model which translates the output file paths as follows:


job-output-directory is fixed and unique-filename is a combination of topic partition and start offset where the incremental load started.

Optionally, a TimestampExtractor may be provided by configuration which enables time based partitioning format, for example:


would result in the following file paths:


From Kafka 0.10 each message has a default timestamp metadata which will be available automatically on the 0.10 and higher versions of the hadoop loader.

Schema-less model

It is schema-less and when used with the built-in MutliOutputFormat it simply writes out each message payload byte-by-byte on a new line. This way it can be used for simple csv/tsv/json encodings.

Hadoop Loader is capable of transformations within the mapper, be it schema-based or purpose-formatted but for these use cases, Kafka Connect is much more suitable framework.


The default program can be packaged with mvn package which produces a jar that has a limited functionality via command line arguments. To see how the job can be configured and extended programatically see system tests under src/test.


add run configuration arguments: -r [-t <coma_separated_topic_list>] [-z <zookeeper>] [target_hdfs_path]


$ mvn package
$ java -jar kafka-hadoop-loader.jar -r [-t <coma_separated_topic_list>] [-z <zookeeper>] [target_hdfs_path]
TODO -r check if jar exists otherwise use addJarByClass


$ mvn package
$ hadoop jar kafka-hadoop-loader.jar [-z <zookeeper>] [-t <topic>] [target_hdfs_path]


    -> KafkaInputFormat
        -> zkUtils.getBrokerPartitionLeaders
        -> FOR EACH ( logical partition ) CREATE KafkaInputSplit
    -> FOR EACH ( KafkaInputSplit ) CREATE MapTask:
        -> KafkaInputRecordReader( KafkaInputSplit[i] )
            -> checkpoint manager getLastConsumedOffset
            -> intialize simple kafka consumer
            -> reset watermark if given as option
            -> WHILE nextKeyValue()
                -> KafkaInputContext.getNext() -> (offset,message):newOffset
                -> KafkaInputRecordReader advance currentOffset+=newOffset and numProcessedMessages++
                -> HadoopJobMapper(offset,message) -> (date, message)
                    -> KafkaOutputFormat.RecordWriter.write(date, message)
                        -> recordWriters[date].write( date,message )
                            -> LineRecordWriter.write( message ) gz compressed or not
            -> close KafkaInputContext
            -> zkUtils.commitLastConsumedOffset