RocketMan: word puzzle blast off!
Emerse yourself in the exciting world of Spaceman; a word guessing game with an out of this world flare!
HTML, CSS, and javaScript
--> Playable in current state <-- || --> CURRENTLY UNDER CONSCRUCTION <--
- Enter your word guess in the input box.
- If your word guess is correct you will see it appear in the solution box.
- Implement a randomizing function for the guess word.
- Implement a function that will provide a clue to the player.
- Implement a singlr 'letter' function for the guess word.
- Implement a point system function that will by dynamic to the game outcomes.
- Implent a win/loss function that will alert the player of game status.
- Render an onscreen keyboard.
- Add audio.
- Rifine CSS - Graphics and movement.
-------> Thank you 🚀