
WordPress Plugin to store and serve media library assets using Amazon S3

Primary LanguagePHP

S3 Media Storage

Contributors: Anthony Gentile

Tags: S3, media, images

Requires at least: 3.0

Tested up to: 3.6

Stable tag: 1.0.3

License: GPLv2 or later

S3 Media Storage WordPress Plugin


Store media library contents onto S3 without cron jobs. This is more ideal for multiple web server environments. Because of the logic surrounding WordPress media uploads and the availability/order in which hooks/actions surrounding media uploading, we cannot get away from temporarily storing the uploaded file in the uploads directory. What this plugin will be able to do is to take that uploaded file, move it to S3, and delete the local uploaded file all in the same request.


  • Store and serve media easily from Amazon S3
  • Send files to S3 using SSL
  • Serve files from HTTP/HTTPS/according to page requested protocol
  • Set far reaching expires for your assets
  • Amazon CloudFront support
  • Deleting from S3 is optional (price concern for some)
  • No additional database tables needed


Upload the S3 Media Storage plugin to your blog, activate it, then enter your S3 details. Ensure that you have cURL PHP extension installed.



  • Change to OOP style.
  • Beginnings of Transfer adapaters.
  • Address some issues reported in GitHub.


  • Add pagination for admin assets listing


  • Allow for custom bucket paths


  • Allowed for moving existing assets to S3 that were present before plugin installation.
  • Adding option for deleting local uploaded files.


  • Initial Codebase