
Efficient O(n log n) implementation of computing median of pairwise differences for univariate data

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Fast Median Heuristic Computation for Univariate Data

Implementation of O(n log n) algorithm for computing the median heuristic for univariate data.


Given univariate data z_1, z_2, ..., z_n, one can define the following estimate of scale:

z_med = median {|z_i - z_j| : i < j, i,j = 1, 2, ..., n}

This estimator (or a scaled version of it) has been defined in the past in the statistics literature; see Shamos (1976), Bickel and Lehmann (1979) and Rousseuw and Croux (1993).


In Python:

import numpy as np
from medianheuristic import cy_medianHeuristic

X = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

mh = cy_medianHeuristic(X)
print("\nmedian heuristic:")


  • Python 3
  • Cython
  • C++

First build/compile the module in the code subfolder using:



This quantity can be used when setting the value of the kernel parameter in the MMD two sample tests. For the Laplacian kernel,

k(z_i, z_j) = exp ( -beta [z_i - z_j] )

one can set beta = 1/z_med.

For the Gaussian kernel,

k(z_i, z_j) = exp ( -alpha [z_i - z_j]^2 ),

one can simple set alpha = 1/z_med^2.

(Sorry about the formulae, unfortunately GitHub does not seem to support LaTeX formulae yet.)


A naive implementation is clearly O(n^2) if all paris of differences are computed; however, it is possible to compute z_med in O(n log n).

The core method is in C++, and this is wrapped in Cython for Python.

It must be stressed that this is only applicable to univariate data; Johnson and Mizoguchi (1978) provide an argument for the d-dimensional case being O(d n^d log n), but this is actually solving a more general problem, and it is unclear if this bound can be improved on for the d-dimensional median heuristic.


  • Shamos, M. I. (1976) Geometry and Statistics: Problems at the Interface, in Algorithms and Complexity, Academic Press, Inc. [see Theorem 3.6]

  • Johnson, D. B. and Mizoguchi, T. (1978), Selecting the Kth element in X+Y and X_1+X_2+...+X_m, SIAM Journal on Computing, 7, 2, 147-153.

  • Bickel, P. J. and Lehmann, E. L. (1979) Descriptive statistics for nonparametric models IV. Spread, in Jaroslav Hajek Memorial Volume, 519-526, Springer. [see Example 9]

  • Croux, C. and Rousseeuw, P. J. (1992) Time-efficient algorithms for two highly robust estimators of scale, in Computational Statistics, 411-428, Springer.

  • Rousseeuw, P. J. and Croux, C. (1993) Alternatives to the median absolute deviation, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88, 424, 1273-1283.