
My neovim notes and thoughts. Probs going to be a blog post and then removed

Hello World!

Welcome to my journey through the complex world of vim! I'm only just now starting this journey with hopes that as I become more fluent with the architecture, and obvious gain the performance benefits of utilizing vim to it's full potential.

Okay let's begin


To have a neovim editor configured on github, such that the only thing I would need to install if I want to use neovim elsewhere, would be a language syntax, and the actual neovim application. I've read mainly about the configuration process, which I assume can be saved into the cloud.

Installation process

This wasn't to hard. I use two systems at the moment, Ubuntu and MacOS. For MacOS use 'brew' and for Ubuntu use 'apt' to install the latest version of neovim.

nvim tutor

Not knowing exactly how to work vim is a major pain in my butt. I'm quite terrible at not using arrow keys, let alone the mouse. Either way, nvim is better operated with simple clicks and navigational commands (this is of course what I hear).

As soon as nvim downloaded, I opened the nvim tutor and began to learn the basics! I also feel that the nvim tutor is one of the best files to squentially learn new commands in the IDE.

My inital impressions

After about 2-3 hours of watching and learning the fundamentals of vim. I can already see how I can become a faster navigator when coding.

Using the 'h','j','k','l' keys for navigating is weird. As a minecrafter in my highschool years I was more adept to the nav keys on my left hand.

Also I had a hard time escaping/leaving the insert view as Crtl-C is a new commmand I'll need to get used to. Other wise this issue is pretty trivial.

Lastly, I learned how to jump through the text. If you also go through the tutorial sections (I only made it to section 3 on my first go through) you'll be able to see how easy it is to navigated through large paragraphs, and even documents at the press of a few keys.

Cool commands:

  • dd, and variants de,dw, d$, also you can add numbers to specify how many deletions
  • w and e, and there opposites like b and ge, again addd number to specify number of navigations
  • x, r, i, a <- these are the basic remove char, replace char, insert, append commands

Day 2 of the vim takeover

So I'm not seeing the speed in my coding increase. I haven't really even tried yet which is ironic. However, I'm not quiter. Today is day number 2, and that means I should keep learning these commands.

Okay, mid study sesh review...

You can find the documentaion for any linked file with shift-K, the searching functionality in nvim is very fast.. just with a quick backslash you can find nearly anything. One thing I don't find to helpful is the search/replace functionality, there's quite a bit of specific syntax

Ex. Imagine I want to change a variables name in a particular file. :%s/word/newword/gc --provides you with a CLI to iterative go through each matching word and replace it, only if you want to.. you can pick and choose

Ex2. Imagine you have a larger file and you want to only change the words in a particular function.. And you don't need to iteratively adjust the variable names

I just made it through the vim tutor. Not much has changed since this morning, but I'm enjoying the learning process. I'm starting to feel more welcomed by the text editor

  • also i'm reading a lot about the editor, there is so much going on under the hood

  • "If you wanto teach yourself vim (this best text editor known to man kind) in the fastest way possible, start by learning the minimal to survive, and then integrate all the tricks... slowly.".

  • "Learn Vim, and it will be your last text editor"

  • "Learning vim takes weeks, not jsut a few days"

  • "Learning vim takes weeks, not jsut a few days"

hello world, and this is some testing text for my editing purposes..