Zen Focus
ZenFocus at its core is based off the time management technique known as the Pomodoro technique developed by Francesco Cirillo. In short, it is a way for individuals to plan, focus and complete tasks in the form of managing different time blocks (focus time, short breaks and long breaks). This technique is used by many in different industries including but not limited to education, medical, fitness and music.
First, fork the repo and clone to your local.
And then install dependencies. ProTip: Install with yarn for faster and safer installation:
$ cd your-project-name && yarn install
Start the app in the dev
environment. This starts the renderer process in hot-module-replacement mode and starts a server sends hot updates to the renderer process:
$ yarn run dev
Toggle Chrome DevTools
- OS X: Cmd Alt I or F12
- Linux: Ctrl Shift I or F12
- Windows: Ctrl Shift I or F12
See electron-debug for more information.
DevTools extension
This boilerplate is included following DevTools extensions:
- Devtron - Install via electron-debug.
- React Developer Tools - Install via electron-devtools-installer.
- Redux DevTools - Install via electron-devtools-installer.
You can find the tabs on Chrome DevTools.
If you want to update extensions version, please set UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS
env, just run:
$ UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS=1 yarn run dev
# For Windows
$ set UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS=1 && yarn run dev
💡 You can debug your production build with devtools by simply setting the DEBUG_PROD
env variable:
DEBUG_PROD=true yarn run package
MIT © builtwithluv