
Container Project for an Integrated Plugin Management Facility

Primary LanguageShell

OpenCPN plugins project README

This project is currently in a experimental state. It is an important groundwork for the new plugin installer.

The project exports the fundamental piece required to install plugins using the new installer: the plugin catalog ocpn-plugins.xml


  • python >= 3.6 (for print f)
  • GNU make (optional)
  • tar
  • xmllint, sometimes found in the libxml, libxml2 or xsltproc package

On Windows, first install chocolatey as described on https://chocolatey.org. Then install the dependencies python, make, git and xsltproc using choco install git etc.

On macos, packages are available in homebrew. Linux distros normally have these available by default.

ocpn-metadata, the most important tool, only depends on python.

Fast track: creating a modified ocpn-plugins.xml

Drop new or modified xml files in the metadata/ directory. Then do

> python tools/ocpn-metadata generate --userdir metadata \
      --destfile ocpn-plugins.xml

This will create ocpn-plugins.xml in current directory. You might want to add --version to mark the generated file with a new version.

Fast track: Checking URL's used in ocpn-plugins.xml

> python tools/check-metadata-urls [path]  path assumed is to ocpn-plugins.xml

Fast track: Batch Files to use the above commands

> check.bat   - to be run from the "plugins" directory

> runcheck.bat   - to be run from the "tools" directory

Download cloudsmith files

Having generated the installation files they are stored in a cloudsmith repository. These need to be download and made into a pull request for the plugins repository. This can be done using the 'download_xml_bash.sh' script. This script will run on Linux and Windows using the 'git_bash' command.

> ./download_xml_bash.sh cloudsmith_repository plugin_version cloudsmith_user cloudsmith_level
	./download_xml_bash.sh testplugin_pi jon-gough prod
	./download_xml_bash.sh weather-routing opencpn prod

These files can then be added to the push request in git.

With the new process do NOT generate the ocpn-plugins.xml file as this will be done for you automatically when your push is merged into the mainline.

Developer info

The developer workflow includes generating new plugins, checking tarball xml data, testing and creating a new ocpn-plugins.xml. This is described in TESTING.md.

[1] OpenCPN/OpenCPN#1457