
Bash script to submit DataDog alerts

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

DataDog Send Alert Bash Function

Simple Bash function to send alerts to DataDog. This assumes that you have already installed the datadog-agent on the localhost and it is listening on the default UDP port 8125.

Basic usage:

source datadog_send_alert.sh

send_dd_alert "alert title" "alert body text"

Advanced usage:

source datadog_send_alert.sh

# Environment variables

# Define message vars
body="Alert message body"
group="$(date +%s)" # Unique string to group related alerts

# Send Grouped Alerts
send_dd_alert "Script starting" "$body" "info" "$group" "$tags"
send_dd_alert "Successfully did a thing" "$body" "success" "$group" "$tags"
send_dd_alert "Noticed something" "$body" "info" "$group" "$tags"
send_dd_alert "Hmmm, this doesn't seem right" "$body" "warning" "$group" "$tags"
send_dd_alert "Oh snap! An error!" "$body" "error" "$group" "$tags"

Detailed API documentation:
