This is an app to keep track of recipes and easily iterate on them.
Ever make a recipe and want to tweak it so you remember next time?
Want to perfect your favorite dish by trying different variations?
This will help you keep track of your base recipe and experiment!
On a per ingredient basis, you can:
- increase or decrease the amount
- change the unit of measurement
- see good substitutions (ground cumin for cumin seed, almond milk for milk, etc)
- have instructions auto-update
- view/change nutrition facts (especially for produced foods, picking specific nutrition facts a la myfitnesspal)
- explanation of how ingredient is used / contributes to dish (ingredient notes)
- example weights for ambiguous measurements (one medium tomato, zest of half a large lemon)
- Highlight warning ingredients (meats, spices allergens) and show common substitutes
Any change starts a draft fork "Publish" a fork to make it the new default experiment while still keeping reference to original for comparison
In addition, the recipe score will help you improve your recipe and guide it towards recipe perfection.
- Accept plain text, parse and present to user for verification
- Verify all ingredients are listed in instructions.
- Verify all ingredients in instructions are listed.
- highlight/suggestion to clarify weights for ambiguous measurements (one medium tomato, zest of half a large lemon)
- Log to meal apps (MyFitnessPal)
- Quick call out any utensils mentions
- option to separately list prep hiding in ingredients (chopped, prepped, diced, etc)
- Side by side compare similar recipes
This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions