
A CMS interface that uses Node.js, Inquirer and MySQL to build a command-line application to manage a company's employee database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Employee Tracker

A CMS interface that uses Node.js, Inquirer and MySQL to build a command-line application to manage a company's employee database.

🔨 Tools

💡 Description

    AS A business owner
    I WANT to be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company
    SO THAT I can organize and plan my business

    GIVEN a command-line application that accepts user input
    WHEN I start the application
    THEN I am presented with the following options: view all departments, view all roles, view all employees, add a department, add a role, add an employee, and update an employee role
    WHEN I choose to view all departments
    THEN I am presented with a formatted table showing department names and department ids
    WHEN I choose to view all roles
    THEN I am presented with the job title, role id, the department that role belongs to, and the salary for that role
    WHEN I choose to view all employees
    THEN I am presented with a formatted table showing employee data, including employee ids, first names, last names, job titles, departments, salaries, and managers that the employees report to
    WHEN I choose to add a department
    THEN I am prompted to enter the name of the department and that department is added to the database
    WHEN I choose to add a role
    THEN I am prompted to enter the name, salary, and department for the role and that role is added to the database
    WHEN I choose to add an employee
    THEN I am prompted to enter the employee’s first name, last name, role, and manager and that employee is added to the database
    WHEN I choose to update an employee role
    THEN I am prompted to select an employee to update and their new role and this information is updated in the database 

Extra App Capabilities:

    UPDATE employee managers.
    VIEW employees by manager.
    VIEW employees by department.
    DELETE employees, roles, and departments. 
    VIEW the total utilized budget of a departments - i.e., the combined salaries of all employees in that department. 

🎥 Demo

📝 Instructions

npm init

npm install inquirer

npm install mysql2

npm install console-table

npm install chalk

To run the application, use the following command:

node index.js