Wiremock Junit Jupiter

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Project to use Wiremock with Junit5.


All needed to start using the project is to add the dependency to the POM and that's it.


or to gradle

compile 'com.github.sparkmuse:properties-mapper:${version}'


Simple example

  1. Extend the test class with @ExtendWith(WiremockExtension.class)
  2. Annotate the WireMockServer with @Wiremock
public class SimpleServerTest {

    private WireMockServer server;

    @DisplayName("simple test")
    void posts() {


        HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().build();
        HttpResponse<String> postsResponse = client.send(HttpRequest.newBuilder()
                .build(), HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());


Multiple servers

Multiple servers can be set to improve code readability

public class MultipleServerTest {

    @Wiremock(port = 9000)
    private WireMockServer postsServer;

    @Wiremock(port = 8000)
    private WireMockServer statistics;

    @DisplayName("uses multiple wiremock servers to improve readability")
    void posts() {
        // rest of the test

Customize it your way

If the simple options that come with the @Wiremock annotation feel free to add your own configuration options. The instance will be managed automatically.

public class InstantiatedOptionsServerTest {

    private final WireMockServer postsServer = new WireMockServer(

    @DisplayName("uses values from instance wiremock server")
    void posts() {
        // rest of the test


It supports nested tests.

class NestedServerTest {

    @Wiremock(port = 9000)
    private WireMockServer parentSever;

    @DisplayName("some other top level test")
    void posts() {
        // some other test

    class NestedClass {

        @Wiremock(port = 5000)
        private WireMockServer nestedServer;

        @DisplayName("uses parent and nested wiremock server")
        void posts() throws Exception {


            HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().build();

            HttpResponse<String> parentResponse = client.send(HttpRequest.newBuilder()
                    .build(), HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());

            HttpResponse<String> nestedResponse = client.send(HttpRequest.newBuilder()
                    .build(), HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());


More examples

The example above and more can be found here: Wiremock junit Jupiter examples