
This is a test API required for the Readify Job Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a test API required for the Readify Job Application

To run locally

Move to the ./Server folder

First run either npm install or yarn

To start the API, run npm start

This will host the API locally on port 3000

To run locally using Docker-Compose

Before running anything, check that the two Dockerfiles are as follows
Dockerfile & Dokerfile.aws - Rename as appropriate.
Also check the first line comment for the correct version

First run docker-compose build

Then run docker-compose up

To run on AWS(or just as docker)

Before running anything, check that the two Dockerfiles are as follows
Dockerfile & Dokerfile.local - Rename as appropriate.
Also check the first line comment for the correct verison

Just run ./rebuild.sh

Note: You might want to change the Docker Hub location from mine to yours