JS-808 Soundless Drum Machine

Expected Features

Your drum machine should include the following features:

  • Basic transport controls (play, stop).
  • The ability to alter the tempo of the sequence.
  • Playback readout - there should be a visual indication of the current steps while the sequence is playing. Ideally, the playback speed will also match the sequence tempo.
  • A list of at least 3 preset sequence patterns.

Extra Info

  • A song contains multiple patterns being sequenced for different samples.
  • A song plays at a given tempo (AKA bpm), the tempo does not need to be able change while the song plays.
  • The time signature is expected to be 4/4 (if you don't know what that is, don't worry and ignore this instruction). NOTE: I don't know what that is. I am bad at music.
  • The pattern is expected to be 8 steps or more.

Local Dev

  • run npm install
  • run npm start