
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


nowidget is a pure-python suite of interactive widgets based off of traitlets that do not explicitly require an javascript extensions.

    import nowidget

probably the most useful nowidget object is nowidget.Template, it is jinja2 display objects using IPython's rich display. nowidget.Template is interactive and updates on cell exection or widget events. for example, in a notebook, the nowidget.Template will automatically discover the value of cookies.

    cookies = 3
    nowidget.Template("When you eat {{cookies}} cookies, you consume {{cookies*50}} calories.")

nowidget.Template will update when a cell is run. in the example above, if cookie were changed in a later cell then template will update. updating can be disabled with the enabled flag.

    nowidget.Template("When you eat {{cookies}} cookies, you consume {{cookies*50}} calories.",

the nowidget extension adds some new traits to IPython's interactive shell:

%load_ext nowidget
  1. shell.test is a primary default feature of the nowidget extension.

    it provides formal doctest and unitteststo be executed with each cell execution. as an example.

     def test_me():

    function being with "test_*" are executed as tests.

     shell = __import__("IPython").get_ipython()
     if shell:
  2. shell.display_manager manages updating IPython display objects when shell events occur.

  3. shell.trace uses monkeytype to generate type stubs from the interactive computing experience.

    turn tracing on and off with


    or as a context manager

         with shell.trace:

developer tasks

a suite of tasks based off of doit.

    def task_book():

build the docs using jupyter book.

        return dict(actions=["jb build ."], file_dep=['_toc.yml'], targets=['_build/html'])

    def task_pdf():

export a pdf version of the docs.

        return dict(actions=["jb build . --builder pdfhtml"], file_dep=['_toc.yml'], targets=['_build/pdf/book.pdf'])