
demonstration of infeasibility of using <script src> to load unmodified CommonJS modules

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Failed attempt at implementing the Node.js CommonJS require() module system for the browser, without any build step

For a working tool, see browserify (requires a build step), or for the future, see ES6 modules / import/export and <script type="module">.

The main problem with using ordinary browser <script> tags to include unmodified CommonJS modules is that <script> executes the script in the global context (window).

function foo() will create a new function window.foo, and you cannot delete foo later since function declarations cannot be deleted. window.foo can be reassigned (window.foo = null), but then any calls to that function will fail.

Browserify's solution is to wrap CommonJS modules in an immediately-invoked function expression, therefore creating a new scope and avoiding the module from polluting the global scope. This means a build step is required, to add (function() { ... })(); around the module source code, so <script src> cannot be used directly on the original CommonJS module files.

(XMLHttpRequest / fetch + eval is another possible "solution", with its own issues.)
