Stazi React Assignments

Assignment 1 (Cars list with pagination)

Problem statement:


Assignment 2 (Hotel list with tabination)

Problem statement:



This project includes both the assignments mentioned above. The project is built using ReactJS and TailwindCSS. The project is deployed on Vercel.

The project renders the view depending on the hostname. For example, if the hostname contains car, then the car assignment will be rendered. Similarly, if the hostname contains hotel, then the hotel assignment will be rendered.

The api is faked using static JSON files. The JSON files are stored in the src/api folder. The JSON files are named as car.json and hotel.json for the car and hotel assignment respectively.

The project is built using the following technologies:

  • ReactJS
  • TailwindCSS
  • Vercel
  • TypeScript

Running the project

To run the project, follow the steps below:

  • Clone the repository
  • Run npm install to install the dependencies
  • change the default export of src/App.ts to the required assignment (CarApp or HotelApp)
  • Run npm run dev to start the development server