A fault-injection scheduler
Usage of ./chaos:
-a string
http address to listen (default ":8677")
log to standard error as well as files
-c string
config file, used only by controller currently (default "./conf/config.yaml")
-g string
grpc address to listen (default ":8678")
-l string
controller address, retrieved form env if not set, uesed by agent
-log_backtrace_at value
when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-log_dir string
If non-empty, write log files in this directory
log to standard error instead of files
-r string
run as [agent|controller] (default "agent")
-s string
selector, retrieved from env if not set, used by agent. eg: app=test,flag=aaaaa
-stderrthreshold value
logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
-v value
log level for V logs
show version
-vmodule value
comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
There is only one component which could run as two mode:
- agent
- controller
Agent is deployed with the nodes of target cluster
/bin/chaos -l -g :8679 -logtostderr -r "agent" -s "role=follower,tag=myregion" -v 8
Controler is the task scheduler which agents register to.
systemtap: # systemtap configuration
script_dir: /root/fault-injection # systemtap script base dir
probe_dir: /root/test_service/data # systemtap IO probe dir limitation
pidfile: /root/test_service/pid # file to get pid
A: # service unique name
start: /root/test_service/start.sh # start command
stop: /root/test_service/stop.sh # stop command
./bin/fault-injection -logtostderr -r "controller" -v 8
Stage setups a task DAG utilized to create controllable noise
name: s1 # unique name, detected by controller
tasks: # task list
- type: empty # type of task amount empty, service, ioerror, iodelay and partition
name: t1 # unique name, detected by controller
requires: # task dependences in DAG
- "head"
- type: partition
name: t2
arguments: # special configurations of task
debug: "true"
strategy: # node selector and task convertor
selector: "role=follower" # define how to select a nodes
ticker_cycle: 10 # task would be converted to a ticker if set
ticker_last: 5 # task would be converted to a ticker if set
timeout: 30 # the task would be converted to a timer if set
- "head"
- type: service
name: t3
debug: "true"
selector: "role=follower"
ticker_cycle: 10
ticker_last: 5
timeout: 30
- "t1"
- "t2"
- type: service
name: t4
debug: "true"
selector: "role=follower"
ticker_cycle: 10
ticker_last: 5
timeout: 30
- "t3"
curl -X POST
curl -X DELETE
- List{id:"list"}
list all stages as a string joined with ",", eg. "s1,s2,s3,s4"
- GetOne{id:$target}
get the content of the stages specified as a string
- GetAll{id:"all"}
get all content of the stages as a string joined with "----\n"