Easy shared search and annotations for the best slack messages.
This REPO serves as the API for the Slack seek.
Run Locally
FLASK_ENV=development DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////tmp/test1.db flask shell
to initialize databaseFLASK_ENV=development FLASK_APP=app/ DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////tmp/test1.db flask shell
to run the helper script
- Walk up song
- Select presenters & plan presentation (Friday)
- add author and slack message content to SlackMessage model
- mrkdwn in messages?
How do we update a saved message?
How to pick the message to update? - By unique ID? Already exists... - By UI? e.g. click the message and you get into an event "chain"? -
- Add a tag
- Change description
Team Members
- Mike Nguyen
- Jess McKinnie
- Jahnavi Bantupalli
- Brandon David
- Jerry Chen
- Trent Robbins
How to install
- Clone the repo using git clone
- Install virtualenv using command "sudo pip3 install virtualenv"
- Create virtual environment venv_flask using "python3 -m venv venv_flask"
- Activate virtual environment using source venv_flask/bin/activate
- Install dependencies using pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run command "export FLASK_ENV=development"
- Run the flask app using "python3"