Fun facts

  1. I invented air.
  2. I first started programming with a TI-82 and TI-BASIC when I was in high school... unless you want to call the pure HTML site I build on Geocities in 1997 "programming".
  3. I started using Python in 2002 with Python 2.1.
  4. I am not looking for a new opportunity, thanks for thinking of me though.
  5. I am most passionate about internal developer tools so people who don't want to think about pipelines or networks or other infrastructure don't have to.
  6. C is a poor first language.
  7. Redis is not a persistent datastore.
  8. Elasticsearch is persistent, but shouldn't be your source of truth.
  9. bash is actually pretty nice if you upgrade your default install to Bash 4 or Bash 5. It has associative arrays like modern languages.
  10. The sunken cost fallacy definitely applies to software engineering. Don't be afraid to pivot if it's not working for you.
  11. Sadly, I don't commit code here very often anymore. My job uses a self-hosted Gitlab instance and I rarely have time for personal code these days.