Dialog boxes for React Native (forked from react-native-popup)
- 0
The dialog is displaying under elements
#74 opened by parazitenew - 0
- 2
- 1
it is possible to change the location of the buttons in dialogBox.confirm?
#71 opened by saidhappy010 - 1
How to hide this.dialogbox.pop
#70 opened by saidhappy010 - 1
Specifying height to the dialog box
#68 opened by anurag060 - 10
Change Title Text Color
#67 opened by gopikasireddy202 - 1
- 0
- 1
Language Translations
#50 opened by deavial - 2
- 2
is it possible to modify position of dialog box?
#62 opened by Harryki - 1
Figure out how to deal with React Native 47
#59 opened by deavial - 1
Put it a bit higher?
#56 opened by andrisole92 - 1
Is cancelable function exists?
#57 opened by CrystalRanita - 0
Update Styles for Android
#51 opened by deavial - 3
Render Issue: Calling Pop with Multiple Buttons
#36 opened by gregberns - 2
Which version should I use
#34 opened by zuzuviewer - 5
add custom content dialog box
#11 opened by danielCrespo01