
A simple crawler and notifier of divar.ir advertisements, based on pre-defined conditions

Primary LanguagePython

Divar Telegram Bot

A simple crawler and notifier of divar.ir advertisements, based on pre-defined conditions.


This telegram bot notifies you whenever a new ad appears in the specified topic on Divar, an Iranian Persian classified ads and E-commerce app.



  1. Open @BotFather in Telegram, create a new bot, and note its token (Or use an existing bot token) to use in the .env file later.

  2. Send a message to @getidsbot and the response should be something like this:

    👤 You
    ├ id: 00000000
    ├ is_bot: false
    ├ first_name: Ehsan
    ├ last_name: Seyedi
    ├ username: _ (https://t.me/_)
    ├ language_code: en (-)
    â”” created: ~ 2/2014 (?) (https://t.me/getidsbot?start=idhelp)

    Note the id to use in the .env file later.

  3. Open your bot (from step 1) and press Start (So the bot can send messages to your account chat).

  4. Visit the Divar, select your city, and go to the desired category. Choose some search conditions like this:

    Divar Search

    The web browser's URL should be something like this:


    Note everything after https://divar.ir/s/, in this case, it will be tehran/rent-residential/abshar?size=65-120, to use in the .env file later like this:

    SEARCH_CONDITIONS = "tehran/rent-residential/abshar?size=65-120"


git clone https://github.com/debMan/divar-telegram-bot.git 
cd divar-telegram-bot
cp .env.sample .env
# edit .env file with datas from Pre-requisites step
editor .env
echo '[]' > tokens.json
pip install -r requirements.txt


git clone https://github.com/debMan/divar-telegram-bot.git 
cd divar-telegram-bot
cp .env.sample .env
# edit .env file with datas from Pre-requisites step
editor .env
echo '[]' > tokens.json
docker compose up -d


To run the crawler in development mode, simply follow the Local or Docker instructions with an uncommented build: . line in the docker-compose.yml file, then:

docker compose up --build 

Final Result

Divar Search