
Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT



Asteroid App which shows the asteroids detected by NASA that pass near Earth. It displays the date, size, velocity, distance from the earth and if they are potentially hazardous


  • MVVM Architecture
  • Retrofit library for interacting with REST APIs
  • RecyclerView for reuse and efficient loading of views
  • ViewModel for persisting data during configuration change
  • Moshi library for parsing JSON into Kotlin data classes
  • DataBinding of Layouts and Views
  • Coil image library for efficient loading of images
  • Room library for local caching of data
  • LiveData observation for changes
  • WorkManager for periodic schedule of background tasks
  • Navigating between fragments within a single Activity using Android Jetpack Navigation Component
  • Kotlin Coroutine for asynchronous operations


App Demo