This repository accompanies the paper titled Unsupervised Action Recognition using Universal Attribute Modelling and Action Recognition based on discriminative embedding of actions using Siamese networks, for generating action-vectors.
Using this repository, one can reproduce the results on the HMDB51 dataset for Histogram of Optical Flow (HOF) features. These HOF features are extracted using [Improved Dense Trajectory framework]
We provide the extracted HOF features for the HMDB51 dataset here
In order to run the code, follow these steps:
To build the toolkit: see ./INSTALL
. These instructions are valid for UNIX
systems including various flavors of Linux; Darwin; and Cygwin (has not been
tested on more "exotic" varieties of UNIX). For Windows installation
instructions (excluding Cygwin), see windows/INSTALL
This tutorial should help in case of any problems
Create a folder anywhere e.g. /home/debaditya/HOF. The full path to the folder you created above is the variable "parent_dir" in egs/sre10/v1/
Download and extract the features given above into that folder. The folder structure should look like this
| +--hmd51_test
| +--hmdb51_train
The path to the features need to be changed to the parent_dir. Navigate to egs/sre10/v1/ directory in the code folder and run parent_dir
Remember to give executable permissions to this file (for Linux "chmod +x").
- To run following command
./ parent_dir
Remember to give executable permissions to this file (for Linux "chmod +x").
4.The scores you should obtain will be in EER (equal error rate). Classification accuracy reported in the paper is calculated as 100-EER.
These scores are based on cosine-scoring, LDA and PLDA applied to action-vectors.
For discriminative embedding using Siamese networks, the action-vectors have to be extracted from the folders
Training action-vectors : <parent_dir>/exp/ivectors_hmdb51_train_512_200
Testing action-vectors : <parent_dir>/exp/ivectors_hmdb51_test_512_200
where 512: number of Gaussian mixtures (num_components in egs/sre10/v1/ 200: action-vector dimension (ivec_dim in egs/sre10/v1/
You can change both these parameters and new directories will be created based on the values.
- Please contact Debaditya Roy ( to know more about the creation the feature files or extraction of action-vectors for further processing.