
Sentence embeddings (InferSent) and training code for NLI.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookOtherNOASSERTION

Introduction to Semantic Entailment

TLDR; The goal of this blog post is to create a framework for experiments on the multinli dataset released by the fantastic group at NYU. The code is largely modified from the recent paper from facebook, InferSent and with some modifications added to allow for customization of tokenizations and loading of the datasets and improvements in the model. Also some new additions include addition of scripts that generate the csvs for the predictions of the multinli challenge, both for the matched test set and the mismatched test set.

The task of semantic entailment is one of the fundemental natural language challenges where the goal is to have sentence pairs manually labeled for classification into three categories: entailment, contradition and neutral. In its previous reincarnation it was also known as recognizing textual entailment. This task is interesting particularly because of two specific reasons.

  • One of the largest labelled natural languages corpus that is publicly available. This is interesting since, this not only helps address, this specific task and trying to solve it, but this corpus is also interesting since it can be used to train generic sentence encoders that can then be used for a variety of tasks.
  • Another reason is the task of semantic entailment, because of it being a large dataset is an active area of research and there is a great scope for research and pushing the understanding of natural language.

Goal of this post

This post I think can benefit in a couple of ways.

  • I have explained and deconstructed the pytorch code from Conneau et al., for the Infersent Paper and modified it at tiny bits to make understanding easy and enable rapid iterations for the task of semantic entailment.
  • Added various options to customize things like the tokenizer to use, or text preprocessing to use and so on. In many cases that can lead to a significant difference in performance.

Import of general libraries

import json
import pandas as pd

import time
import argparse
import sys, os

import numpy as np
import random

import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn as nn

from data import get_batch
from mutils import get_optimizer, dotdict
from models import NLINet
from nltk.tokenize import TreebankWordTokenizer
GLOVE_PATH = "/home/ubuntu/Dropbox/xai/AdditionalStuff/RepEval2017/multiNLI/data/glove.840B.300d.txt"
def loadDataset(filename, size=-1):
    label_category = {
        'neutral': 0,
        'entailment': 1,
        'contradiction': 2
    dataset = []
    sentence1 = []
    sentence2 = []
    labels = []
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        i = 0
        not_found = 0
        for line in f:
            row = json.loads(line, 'utf-8')
            if size == -1 or i < size:
                label = row['gold_label'].strip()
                if label in label_category:
                    sentence1.append( row['sentence1'].strip() )
                    sentence2.append( row['sentence2'].strip() )

                    labels.append( label_category[label] )
                    i += 1
                    not_found += 1
        if not_found > 0:
            print('Label not recognized %d' % not_found)
    return (dataset, sentence1, sentence2, labels)
(train_dataset, train_sentence1, train_sentence2, train_labels) = loadDataset('./multinli_all/multinli_0.9_train.jsonl')
(dev_matched_dataset, dev_matched_sentence1, dev_matched_sentence2, dev_matched_labels) = loadDataset('./multinli_all/multinli_0.9_dev_matched.jsonl')
(dev_mismatched_dataset, dev_mismatched_sentence1, dev_mismatched_sentence2, dev_mismatched_labels) = loadDataset('./multinli_all/multinli_0.9_dev_mismatched.jsonl')
(test_matched_dataset, test_matched_sentence1, test_matched_sentence2, test_matched_labels) = loadDataset('./multinli_all/multinli_0.9_test_matched_unlabeled.jsonl')
(test_mismatched_dataset, test_mismatched_sentence1, test_mismatched_sentence2, test_mismatched_labels) = loadDataset('./multinli_all/multinli_0.9_test_mismatched_unlabeled.jsonl')
Label not recognized 185
Label not recognized 168
Label not recognized 9796
Label not recognized 9847
train_set = pd.DataFrame(train_dataset)
dev_matched_set = pd.DataFrame(dev_matched_dataset)
dev_mismatched_set = pd.DataFrame(dev_mismatched_dataset)
test_matched_set = pd.DataFrame(test_matched_dataset)
test_mismatched_set = pd.DataFrame(test_mismatched_dataset)
dev_matched_set = dev_matched_set[dev_matched_set['gold_label']!='-']
dev_mismatched_set = dev_mismatched_set[dev_mismatched_set['gold_label']!='-']

An opportunity to add custom tokenization!

train_sent1 = train_set['sentence1'].apply(TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize)
train_sent2 = train_set['sentence2'].apply(TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize)
dev_m_sent1 = dev_matched_set['sentence1'].apply(TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize)
dev_m_sent2 = dev_matched_set['sentence2'].apply(TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize)
dev_mis_sent1 = dev_mismatched_set['sentence1'].apply(TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize)
dev_mis_sent2 = dev_mismatched_set['sentence2'].apply(TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize)
test_m_sent1 = test_matched_set['sentence1'].apply(TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize)
test_m_sent2 = test_matched_set['sentence2'].apply(TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize)
test_mis_sent1 = test_mismatched_set['sentence1'].apply(TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize)
test_mis_sent2 = test_mismatched_set['sentence2'].apply(TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize)
def get_word_dict(sentences):
    # create vocab of words
    word_dict = {}
    for sent in sentences:
        for word in sent:
            if word not in word_dict:
                word_dict[word] = ''
    word_dict['<s>'] = ''
    word_dict['</s>'] = ''
    word_dict['<p>'] = ''
    return word_dict
def get_glove(word_dict, glove_path):
    # create word_vec with glove vectors
    word_vec = {}
    with open(glove_path) as f:
        for line in f:
            word, vec = line.split(' ', 1)
            if word in word_dict:
                word_vec[word] = np.array(list(map(float, vec.split())))
    print('Found {0}(/{1}) words with glove vectors'.format(len(word_vec), len(word_dict)))
    return word_vec
def build_vocab(sentences, glove_path):
    word_dict = get_word_dict(sentences)
    word_vec = get_glove(word_dict, glove_path)
    print('Vocab size : {0}'.format(len(word_vec)))
    return word_vec
train1 = list(train_sent1)+list(train_sent2)
dev1 = list(dev_m_sent1)+list(dev_m_sent2)+list(dev_mis_sent1)+list(dev_mis_sent2)
test1 = list(test_m_sent1)+list(test_m_sent2)+list(test_mis_sent1)+list(test_mis_sent2)
word_vec = build_vocab(train1+dev1+test1, GLOVE_PATH)
train_set = {}
dev_matched_set = {}
dev_mismatched_set = {}
test_matched_set = {}
test_mismatched_set = {}

A really verbose way. (This needs to change)

train_set['sentence1']  =list(train_sent1   )            
train_set['sentence2']  =list(  train_sent2  )
dev_matched_set['sentence1']  =list(  dev_m_sent1  )
dev_matched_set['sentence2']  =list(  dev_m_sent2  )
dev_mismatched_set['sentence1'] =list(  dev_mis_sent1) 
dev_mismatched_set['sentence2'] =list(  dev_mis_sent2 )
test_matched_set['sentence1'] =list(  test_m_sent1 )
test_matched_set['sentence2'] =list(  test_m_sent2 )
test_mismatched_set['sentence1'] =list(  test_mis_sent1) 
test_mismatched_set['sentence2']=list(  test_mis_sent2)
word_vec = build_vocab(train_set['sentence1'] +train_set['sentence2'] +dev_matched_set['sentence1'] + dev_matched_set['sentence2'] +dev_mismatched_set['sentence1'] +dev_mismatched_set['sentence2'] + test_matched_set['sentence1'] + test_matched_set['sentence2'] +test_mismatched_set['sentence1'] +test_mismatched_set['sentence2'], GLOVE_PATH )
for split in ['sentence1', 'sentence2']:
    for data_type in ['train_set', 'dev_matched_set', 'dev_mismatched_set', 'test_matched_set','test_mismatched_set']:
        eval(data_type)[split] = np.array([['<s>'] + [word for word in sent if word in word_vec] +\
                                          ['</s>'] for sent in eval(data_type)[split]])        
train_set['label'] = np.array(train_labels)
dev_matched_set['label'] = np.array(dev_matched_labels)
dev_mismatched_set['label'] = np.array(dev_mismatched_labels)
GLOVE_PATH = "dataset/GloVe/glove.840B.300d.txt"

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NLI training')
# paths
parser.add_argument("--nlipath", type=str, default='dataset/MultiNLI/', help="NLI data path (SNLI or MultiNLI)")
parser.add_argument("--outputdir", type=str, default='savedir3/', help="Output directory")
parser.add_argument("--outputmodelname", type=str, default='model.pickle')

# training
parser.add_argument("--n_epochs", type=int, default=20)
parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=64)
parser.add_argument("--dpout_model", type=float, default=0., help="encoder dropout")
parser.add_argument("--dpout_fc", type=float, default=0., help="classifier dropout")
parser.add_argument("--nonlinear_fc", type=float, default=0, help="use nonlinearity in fc")
parser.add_argument("--optimizer", type=str, default="sgd,lr=0.1", help="adam or sgd,lr=0.1")
parser.add_argument("--lrshrink", type=float, default=5, help="shrink factor for sgd")
parser.add_argument("--decay", type=float, default=0.99, help="lr decay")
parser.add_argument("--minlr", type=float, default=1e-5, help="minimum lr")
parser.add_argument("--max_norm", type=float, default=5., help="max norm (grad clipping)")

# BGRUlastEncoder
# parser.add_argument("--encoder_type", type=str, default='BLSTMEncoder', help="see list of encoders")
parser.add_argument("--encoder_type", type=str, default='BGRUlastEncoder', help="see list of encoders")
parser.add_argument("--enc_lstm_dim", type=int, default=2048, help="encoder nhid dimension")
parser.add_argument("--n_enc_layers", type=int, default=1, help="encoder num layers")
parser.add_argument("--fc_dim", type=int, default=512, help="nhid of fc layers")
parser.add_argument("--n_classes", type=int, default=3, help="entailment/neutral/contradiction")
parser.add_argument("--pool_type", type=str, default='max', help="max or mean")

# gpu
parser.add_argument("--gpu_id", type=int, default=0, help="GPU ID")
parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=1234, help="seed")

params, _ = parser.parse_known_args(" ".split())
params.word_emb_dim = 300
# model config
config_nli_model = {
    'n_words'        :  len(word_vec)          ,
    'word_emb_dim'   :  params.word_emb_dim   ,
    'enc_lstm_dim'   :  params.enc_lstm_dim   ,
    'n_enc_layers'   :  params.n_enc_layers   ,
    'dpout_model'    :  params.dpout_model    ,
    'dpout_fc'       :  params.dpout_fc       ,
    'fc_dim'         :  params.fc_dim         ,
    'bsize'          :  params.batch_size     ,
    'n_classes'      :  params.n_classes      ,
    'pool_type'      :  params.pool_type      ,
    'nonlinear_fc'   :  params.nonlinear_fc   ,
    'encoder_type'   :  params.encoder_type   ,
    'use_cuda'       :  True                  ,


# model
encoder_types = ['BLSTMEncoder', 'BLSTMprojEncoder', 'BGRUlastEncoder', 'InnerAttentionMILAEncoder',\
                 'InnerAttentionYANGEncoder', 'InnerAttentionNAACLEncoder', 'ConvNetEncoder', 'LSTMEncoder']
assert params.encoder_type in encoder_types, "encoder_type must be in " + str(encoder_types)
nli_net = NLINet(config_nli_model)
# loss
weight = torch.FloatTensor(params.n_classes).fill_(1)
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=weight)
loss_fn.size_average = False

# optimizer
optim_fn, optim_params = get_optimizer(params.optimizer)
optimizer = optim_fn(nli_net.parameters(), **optim_params)

# cuda by default

#src_embeddings.volatile = True
val_acc_best = -1e10
adam_stop = False
stop_training = False
lr = optim_params['lr'] if 'sgd' in params.optimizer else None
#index_pad =word2id['<p>']

Effective training in deep nueral nets is the key idea behind an algorithm or apporach working.

In the infersent paper, the training procedure is as follows:

They use SGD with a learning rate of 0.1 and at each epoch they divide the learning rate by 5, by the dev set accuracy decreases. The weight decay is 0.99. With a minibatch size of 64, training is stopped when the learning rate goes under the threshold of 10-5.

def trainepoch(epoch):
    print('\nTRAINING : Epoch ' + str(epoch))
    all_costs   = []
    logs        = []
    words_count = 0
    last_time = time.time()
    correct = 0.
    # shuffle the data
    permutation = np.random.permutation(len(train_set['sentence1']))

    s1 = train_set['sentence1'][permutation]
    s2 = train_set['sentence2'][permutation]
    target = train_set['label'][permutation]

    optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * params.decay if epoch>1\
                                    and 'sgd' in params.optimizer else optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']
    print('Learning rate : {0}'.format(optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']))

    for stidx in range(0, len(s1), params.batch_size):
        # prepare batch
        s1_batch, s1_len = get_batch(s1[stidx:stidx + params.batch_size], word_vec)
        s2_batch, s2_len = get_batch(s2[stidx:stidx + params.batch_size], word_vec)
        s1_batch, s2_batch = Variable(s1_batch.cuda()), Variable(s2_batch.cuda())
        tgt_batch = Variable(torch.LongTensor(target[stidx:stidx + params.batch_size])).cuda()
        k = s1_batch.size(1)  # actual batch size
#         print(s1_batch, s1_len) 
        # model forward
        output = nli_net((s1_batch, s1_len), (s2_batch, s2_len))

        pred = output.data.max(1)[1]
        correct += pred.long().eq(tgt_batch.data.long()).cpu().sum()
        assert len(pred) == len(s1[stidx:stidx + params.batch_size])
        # loss
        loss = loss_fn(output, tgt_batch)
        words_count += (s1_batch.nelement() + s2_batch.nelement()) / params.word_emb_dim

        # backward
        # gradient clipping (off by default)
        shrink_factor = 1
        total_norm = 0
        for p in nli_net.parameters():
            if p.requires_grad:
                p.grad.data.div_(k)  # divide by the actual batch size
                total_norm += p.grad.data.norm() ** 2
        total_norm = np.sqrt(total_norm)
        if total_norm > params.max_norm:
            shrink_factor = params.max_norm / total_norm
        current_lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] # current lr (no external "lr", for adam)
        optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] = current_lr * shrink_factor # just for update
        # optimizer step
        optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] = current_lr

        if len(all_costs) == 100:
            logs.append( '{0} ; loss {1} ; sentence/s {2} ; words/s {3} ; accuracy train : {4}'.format(
                    stidx, round(np.mean(all_costs),2), int(len(all_costs) * params.batch_size / (time.time() - last_time)),
                    int(words_count * 1.0 / (time.time() - last_time)), round(100.*correct/(stidx+k), 2) ))
            last_time = time.time()
            words_count = 0
            all_costs = []
    train_acc = round(100 * correct/len(s1), 2)
    print('results : epoch {0} ; mean accuracy train : {1}'.format(epoch, train_acc))
    return train_acc
def evaluate(epoch, eval_type='valid', matched = True, final_eval=False):
    correct = 0.
    global val_acc_best, lr, stop_training, adam_stop
    if eval_type == 'valid' and matched==True:
        print('\nVALIDATION, matched : Epoch {0}'.format(epoch))
        print('\nVALIDATION, mismatched : Epoch {0}'.format(epoch))
    if matched:
        data_m_set = dev_matched_set
        data_m_set = dev_mismatched_set
    s1    = data_m_set['sentence1']    
    s2    = data_m_set['sentence2']    
    target = data_m_set['label'] 

    for i in range(0, len(s1), params.batch_size):
        # prepare batch
        s1_batch, s1_len = get_batch(s1[i:i + params.batch_size], word_vec)
        s2_batch, s2_len = get_batch(s2[i:i + params.batch_size], word_vec)
        s1_batch, s2_batch = Variable(s1_batch.cuda()), Variable(s2_batch.cuda())
        tgt_batch = Variable(torch.LongTensor(target[i:i + params.batch_size])).cuda()
        k = s1_batch.size(1)  # actual batch size
        # model forward
        output = nli_net((s1_batch, s1_len), (s2_batch, s2_len))
        pred = output.data.max(1)[1]
        correct += pred.long().eq(tgt_batch.data.long()).cpu().sum()
    # save model
    eval_acc  = round(100 * correct / len(s1),2)
    if final_eval:
        print('finalgrep : accuracy {0} : {1}'.format(eval_type, eval_acc))
        print('togrep : results : epoch {0} ; mean accuracy {1} : {2}'.format(epoch, eval_type, eval_acc))
    if eval_type == 'valid' and epoch <= params.n_epochs:
        if eval_acc > val_acc_best:
            print('saving model at epoch {0}'.format(epoch))
            if not os.path.exists(params.outputdir):
            torch.save(nli_net, os.path.join(params.outputdir, params.outputmodelname))
            val_acc_best = eval_acc
            if 'sgd' in params.optimizer:
                optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] / params.lrshrink
                print('Shrinking lr by : {0}. New lr = {1}'.format(params.lrshrink, optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']))
                if optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] < params.minlr:
                    stop_training = True
            if 'adam' in params.optimizer:
                # early stopping (at 2nd decrease in accuracy)
                stop_training = adam_stop
                adam_stop = True
    return eval_acc
epoch = 1
while not stop_training and epoch <= params.n_epochs:
    train_acc = trainepoch(epoch)
    eval_acc = evaluate(epoch, eval_type='valid', matched = True)
    eval_acc = evaluate(epoch, eval_type='valid', matched = False)