An logseq to anki syncing plugin with superpowers - image occlusion, card direction, incremental cards, and a lot more.
- ad56583964CUIT
- adorepumpBrazil
- cdpath
- chronologosGoogle
- danielnbalasoiu
- Debaj1
- DenissZee
- dmorady1
- forrestchang@index-labs
- Gourav-s12
- gsgqgyq
- hanspinckaersBuild Succeeded
- Healer37
- helunbaodegui
- hmamigoArgentina
- hsuanxyz@leptonai
- jayu-eleutheriaBrazil
- jtrvSan Jose, California
- lantyuGoogDood
- largomst
- Pranavesh-PanakkalRice University
- qiuzhenyuan
- sc0ttwad3@sc0ttwad3
- SpicyRicecakerOregon State University
- spsl
- thelazyoxymoronOne800
- tiensonqin@logseq
- trai25
- TuboAce the Exam Ltd.
- uxinlife
- WsinGithub
- yida-sintaika
- yiminglin-ai@facebook
- YuhomC
- YukoOshimaSingapore
- zhengyangfeng00Uber