Pinned Repositories
This is my Backed Development Rep here i keep my all code and classes. leaning BD with express js.
This is Blog App where you can sharing your knowledge to the world as well as enrich your knowledge.
This is a repository where keep all important DSA implementation which are asked in interview. Creating a well-organized space to store all your Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) implementations is essential for efficient access and maintenance.
This is a basic web app where you can search your github profile base on your username as well as others username you get info.
This is Java-DSA repository⏳.I keep my all Data Structure Easy ,Mid Level question here. i will also be corved all tropic of Data Structure and Algorithm.If you are interest to contribute in this rep you can . 🤝
This is a JS rep and i where i share my codes and i'm learing from openSource platforme.
Explore my DSA-Questions GitHub repository. . Each question is documented with clear explanations, aiding understanding and skill development. Whether you're honing your problem-solving abilities or preparing for coding interviews, this repository is your guide. Together, let's embark on a journey.
This is my OOPS Repository and i had kept my all OOPs concept which i learned. If you wanna contribute you may.
This is password manager where you can store any website username password in local storage .
Great Lecture , very simple and easy way of teaching with clear examples which are highly appreciated. once again thanks.
debapriyo007's Repositories
Explore my DSA-Questions GitHub repository. . Each question is documented with clear explanations, aiding understanding and skill development. Whether you're honing your problem-solving abilities or preparing for coding interviews, this repository is your guide. Together, let's embark on a journey.
This is my OOPS Repository and i had kept my all OOPs concept which i learned. If you wanna contribute you may.
This is password manager where you can store any website username password in local storage .
This is Java-DSA repository⏳.I keep my all Data Structure Easy ,Mid Level question here. i will also be corved all tropic of Data Structure and Algorithm.If you are interest to contribute in this rep you can . 🤝
This is my Backed Development Rep here i keep my all code and classes. leaning BD with express js.
This is a repository where keep all important DSA implementation which are asked in interview. Creating a well-organized space to store all your Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) implementations is essential for efficient access and maintenance.
This is a basic web app where you can search your github profile base on your username as well as others username you get info.
Only DSA . Question from "LeetCode " and "GFG"..
Great Lecture , very simple and easy way of teaching with clear examples which are highly appreciated. once again thanks.
This tin-dog 🐶 web-site created using HTML,CSS,Bootstrap..
This repository contains solutions to various LeetCode problems that I have solved.✅
This is Blog App where you can sharing your knowledge to the world as well as enrich your knowledge.
This is a JS rep and i where i share my codes and i'm learing from openSource platforme.
This repository contains a collection of SQL scripts covering various database operations, including table creation, data manipulation, joins, aggregate functions, and advanced queries. It serves as a comprehensive reference for anyone looking to revise or enhance their SQL skills.
keep my questions here..
Easy level question from GFG.....
google it support professional certificate
Memories Story Application Backend - It is built with CRUD functionality in mind, offering different routes/endpoints for various functionality.
This project implements a complete authentication system featuring email verification and password reset functionality. It utilizes a secure 6-digit OTP sent directly to the user's email address. Below is an overview of the project structure and features.
🧑💻 Code with Harry on YouTube offers concise and comprehensive tutorials for learning React.js. From basic concepts to advanced techniques.
This repository contains a Java program designed for competitive programming. It provides a basic structure for efficiently handling input and output .
A simple and intuitive to-do list application to help you keep track of your tasks.The task are store in local storage.