- 3
2.11 release
#51 opened by fommil - 1
- 1
- 6
scala 2.10 version?
#48 opened by jdolson - 1
Upgrading Dispatch
#47 opened by anoopelias - 1
- 3
String ending with $ is not accepted
#41 opened by OlegYch - 2
some helpers?
#40 opened by axaluss - 7
- 0
- 0
Cache for meta-data processing
#36 opened by debasishg - 0
Need to distinguish between cases where we have a List of objects or a List of Maps
#35 opened by debasishg - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
move to sbt 0.10.1
#31 opened by debasishg - 5
- 1
Serialization of java.util.List (JPA Entity)
#24 opened by loumaus - 1
SJSON.toJSON() should handle primitive arrays
#30 opened by yang - 4
- 1
- 4
- 3
Serialization from JSON fails
#23 opened by byF - 3
More control when serializing using BeanInfo
#18 opened by ajg - 1
Field#getGenericType instead of JSONTypeHint
#19 opened by OlegYch - 2
NPE during transformation
#22 opened by loumaus - 3
How to serialize a List[SomeTrait]?
#21 opened by DerDackel - 2
- 2
Serialize None as []
#20 opened by OlegYch - 3
freemarker dependancy?
#14 opened by tculshaw - 3
Non-string map keys don't work
#10 opened by Nakano37 - 2
Enumeration support
#9 opened by craigwblake - 1
- 1
Check out introspection of nested classes
#8 opened by debasishg - 2
Strange JSON output
#6 opened by eckart - 0
Object references
#5 opened by thSoft - 0
Null handling in String values
#4 opened by debasishg - 0
Date handling in JSON
#3 opened by debasishg - 0
- 0
Visible default constructor restriction to be reviewed for Scala classes for de-serialization
#1 opened by debasishg