A floating terminal plugin build in pure lua.
Call config method in init.vim
lua require'fterm'.config({
\ position="top",
\ width=100,
\ height=20,
\ commands=true})
Specify the position of the floating window.
Available options are "top", "bottom", "left" and "right".
Default is "right"
Specify the width of the floating window when its position is "left" or
Default is 80
Specify the height of the floating window when its position is "top" or
Default is 20
Specify if the following vim commands to be created.
- toggle terminal window
- exec cmd in terminal window
Default is false
Direct lua call
:lua require'fterm'.toggle()
Or create vim cmd map
command FTermToggle lua require'fterm'.toggle()
Or create key map
nnoremap ,,, :lua require'fterm'.toggle()
Direct lua call
:lua require'fterm'.exec("ls")
Or create vim cmd map
command -nargs=1 FTermExec lua require'fterm'.exec(<args>)
Create vim-test strategy
Add the following to init.vim
function! FTermStrategry(cmd)
call luaeval('require"fterm".exec(_A)', a:cmd)
let g:test#custom_strategies = {'fterm': function('FTermStrategry')}
let g:test#strategy = 'fterm'