K8 Stack for debenstack
- Clone the repository
to the project root- Setup your cluster by initialising and then applying terraform
terraform init terraform apply ```
- Set your kubectl config by fetching your cluster name from the Terraform outputs and passing it to
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save $(terraform output -raw cluster_name)
This is my personal preference tech stack on Kubernetes. The idea to host my personal projects, and be a learning grounds for all things kubernetes. Deployment, Observability, Security, all of it. And with it, I'm learning how to effectively deploy and manage it using the best DevOps practices I can with IaC and the likes
Below is a table of each piece installed in my cluster at the moment, and what roles they play within it
Service | Role Within Cluster | Notes |
Cert Manager | Self-Signed Certificate Handler | Configured to work with Cloudflare and LetsEncrypt |
ArgoCD | Continuous Deployment | Deploy and update my personal apps |
Traefik | Ingress Controller | |
Kyverno | RBAC and Admissions Controller | |
Prometheus | Observability - Metrics Server | |
Prometheus Adapter | Metrics for Kubernetes Metrics API | Replaces metrics-server to work with Prometheus instead |
Grafana | Observability - Metrics & Logging Dashbaord | |
Loki | Observability - Logging Database | |
Promtail | Observability - Container Stdout/Stderr Log Scraping | Forwards to Loki |
Vault | Secrets Manager | Coming Soon |
Postgres Operator | Postgres Database / Cluster Provider | Handling Postgres Databases for my personal apps |
MySQL Operator | MySQL Database / Cluster Provider | Coming Soon |
MongoDB Operator | MongoDB Database / Cluster Provider | Coming Soon |
Below now is another table of the tech being used for managing and configuring my Kubernetes cluster:
Service | Role for Cluster | Notes |
Digital Ocean | Kubernetes Cluster Host | |
Terraform | IaC Service | |
Github | Code Host | |
Github Actions | Code Linting / Verification | |
Cloudflare | DNS Provider |
- Cloud Agnostic Deployment - Using terraform, be able to swap out which Cloud Provider you host this stack on with a parameter
- Settings to Enable/Disable Database Operators
See each module for README for module specific resources and documentation. The following is more general documentation and guides I used for setting up this cluster properly
- https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/kubernetes/
- https://github.com/debenstack/k8s-bootstrapper/blob/main/infrastructure/terraform/README.md
- https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/configuration-language/dependencies
- https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/latest/docs/resources/kubernetes_cluster
- https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/kubernetes/latest/docs#exec-plugins
- https://github.com/digitalocean/terraform-provider-digitalocean/tree/main/examples/kubernetes
- https://github.com/digitalocean/terraform-provider-digitalocean/blob/main/examples/kubernetes/kubernetes-config/main.tf
- https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/kubernetes/latest/docs