
Random toki pona flashcard webapp

Primary LanguageVue


A terribly simple flashcard/word grinding webapp for teaching yourself toki pona (Wikipedia), the world's smallest language. Made with Vue3 in order to help me learn them both.


You move on to the next word automatically as soon as you type in the full (and correct) answer (or any one of them if there's more than one). Otherwise, you can press [Enter] at any time to give up and show the answer(s).

You can view your statistics (i.e. mastery/retention) of the words by pressing and holding the [Tab] key. F is how many times you've failed the word and S is how many times you've seen it in total. The percentage is simply F/S * 100.

The @/src/assets/dictionary.json file is a parsed and slightly re-formatted version of the dictionary that's available on the official toki pona site.

If you found this project helpful or just happen to like it, please consider supporting me :)


Project setup

Install dependencies

npm install

Compile and hot-reload for development

npm run serve

Compile and minify for production

npm run build


Normal typing state

Typing state

Failure state
