
Whisper Transcriber is a Python CLI application that transcribes audio files using the OpenAI Whisper ASR API.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Whisper Transcriber

Whisper Transcriber is a Python application that transcribes audio files using the OpenAI Whisper ASR API. This repository contains the necessary source code and related files for the Whisper Transcriber.

Table of Contents


To set up this project:

  1. Make sure you have Python 3.11 installed.
  2. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/whisper-transcriber.git
cd whisper-transcriber
  1. Install the required dependencies using poetry:
poetry install


To use the transcriber, ensure you have the necessary environment variable set up: OPENAI_API_KEY. Then, you can utilize the audio_transcription.py script within the transcriber directory.

Run the transcriber with:

python -m transcriber.audio_transcription <path_to_file>

Example usage:

python -m transcriber.audio_transcription /whisper_transcriber/jfk.flac
INFO:root:Opened audio file: /whisper_transcriber/jfk.flac
INFO:root:Transcribing audio...
INFO:root:And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

The repository includes a short audio file for testing: jfk.flac

Functionality Overview

  • Initialization: Before any transcription, the script initializes OpenAI's API key from environment variables and sets up basic logging.

  • Transcription: The script provides a function to transcribe audio directly from a file object. This function communicates with the OpenAI API, attempting to convert the audio to text. If successful, it logs and returns the transcribed text.

  • File Handling: The primary function handles reading from a file and then uses the previously mentioned function to transcribe it.

Error Handling and Retries

The script employs a retry mechanism using the tenacity library for the following OpenAI exceptions:

  • Timeout
  • APIError
  • APIConnectionError
  • RateLimitError
  • ServiceUnavailableError

This mechanism waits for a random exponential amount of time with a maximum of 60 seconds, retrying a total of 3 times before failing and reraising the error.


The whisper-transcriber repository is equipped with unit tests to validate the core functionalities. To run the tests, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you're in the root directory of the cloned repository.
  2. Run the tests using the following command:
poetry run pytest

Upon execution, pytest will discover and run all tests in the tests directory, and you will see the results in your terminal.


Linting helps maintain a consistent code style and catches potential issues. The project uses tools like black, pylint, and mypy for linting and type-checking.

To lint the code, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you're in the root directory of the cloned repository.
  2. Run the linting tasks using:
poetry run task lint

This command checks the code format with black, analyzes the source with pylint, and verifies type annotations with mypy.


  1. Ensure that you adhere to the coding standards provided by the linting tools.
  2. Write unit tests for new functionality or bug fixes.
  3. Always run tests before submitting a pull request.


Whisper Transcriber is licensed under the terms provided in the LICENSE.txt file.