
Make http requests with retries, and a circuit-breaker group per node process. Scales back the load on micro-services when the micro-service has problems

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A wrapper around request-retry-stream, that itself wraps request.

cuircuit-breaker-request Implements a circuit breaker using the levee module.

For more information about circuit breaking read the akka docs on the circuit breaker pattern

npm install circuit-breaker-request

Usage - Basic with callbacks

var cbr = require('circuit-breaker-request');

cbr.get('https://google.com', function(err, resp){
	// handle err and resp. Any response that does not have http status code 2XX is an error here

Usage - Simple stream in express middleware with pump (piping streams)

var cbr = require('circuit-breaker-request');
var pump = require('pump');

function(req, res, next){
    pump(cbr.get('http://google.com', {timeout: 5000}), res, next);

Usage - Options and defaults

// NOTE: all options are OPTIONAL.
// Defaults, displayed in parenthesis, will be used for anything you don't specify

var cbr = require('circuit-breaker-request').defaults({
	timeout: 25000, //total timeout for request including any time spend on retries (25000)
	maxFailures: 5, //Max consecutive errors, before closing circuit breaker (5)
	resetTimeout: 30000, //Amount of time circuit breaker will be closed on consecutive errors (30000)
	getGroupId: function getGroupId(url) {
    	var u = urlParser.parse(url);
        return u.protocol + u.host;
    }, //A function that returns the circuit-breaker group to use, given an URL. (default displayed)
	requestTimeout: 8333, //Timeout for each individual http request, (Math.floor(timeout/attempts))
	attempts: 3, //Number of attempts at HTTP request, retrying recoverable errors (3)
	delay: 500 //Delay between HTTP request retries, will back off to 500, 1000, 1500 (500)

cbr.get({url: 'https://google.com'}, function(err, resp){
	// handle err and resp. Any response that does not have http status code 2XX is an error here

cbr.get({url: 'https://debitoor.com'}, function(err, resp){
	// handle err and resp. Any response that does not have http status code 2XX is an error here

// ... more HTTP requests with cbr

//cbr request with special options, can also be used when defaults are not used.
cbr.get({timeout: 10000, requestTimeout: 10000, attempts: 5, url: 'https://debitoor.com'}, function(err, resp){
	// handle err and resp. Any response that does not have http status code 2XX is an error here


Circuit breaking is done per group of urls. By default the urls are grouped by protocol and host. Here is an example of this grouping:

Group 1


Group 2


Group 3


Each group has it's own circuit breaker. So if errors start happening in group 1, it will not close down group 2 or 3.

You can create a different grouping by passing a function in the getGroupId parameter. The default getGroupId function is:

var urlParser = require('url');

function getGroupId(url) {
    var u = urlParser.parse(url);
    return u.protocol + u.host;

So anything with a URL on the same protocol and host will be in the same circuit-breaker. This means if there are 5 consecutive errors returned for URLs with the same protocol and host, the circuit-breaker will pause requests to that protocol and host for a while, but anything on a different host and/or protocol will still be let through.
