
This is a Micro-service for Airline booking backend system which handles all CRUD operations for flights, airplanes, cities and airports and filtering on flights based on price, departure airport, arrival airport etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Flights Service

Projects Setup

  • Clone the project on your local
  • Execute yarn add on the same path as of your root directory of the downloaded project
  • Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following env variables:
    • PORT=500
  • Inside the src/config folder create a new file config.json and then add the following json code:
 "development": {
   "username": <YOUR_DB_LOGIN_NAME>,
   "password": <YOUR_DB_PASSWORD>,
   "database": "Flight_Search_DB_DEV",
   "host": "",
   "dialect": "mysql"
  • Once you have added your db config as listed above, go to the src folder from your terminal and execute yarn sequelize db:create and then execute yarn sequelize db:migrate

Database Design

  • Airplane Table

  • Flights Table

  • Airports Table

  • Cities Table

  • A flight belongs to an airplane but one airplane can be used in multiple flights

  • A city has many airports but one airport belongs to a city

  • One airport can have many fligt but a flight belongs to one airport


City -> id, name, createdAt, updatedAt

Airport -> id, name, address, city_id, createdAt, updatedAt

 Relationship -> A City has many airports but Airport belongs to a city (one to many)
   yarn sequelize model:generate --name Airport --attributes name:String,address:String,cityId:integer

   yarn sequelize db:migrate

    yarn sequelize model:generate --name Flight --attributes flightNumber:String,airplaneId:integer,departureAirportId:integer,arrivalAirportId:integer,arrivalTime:Date,departureTime:Date,price:integer,boardingGate:String,totalSeats:integer