
Perl powered particle reactor to convert MASS into StyleSheet

Primary LanguagePerl


Rheotron is a Perl powered particle reactor stylesheet parser/generator to decompose & convert MASS into CSS. The idea is simple, you feed in MASS to the reactor, the reactor does the expensive atomic-splitting text-parsing, sub-atomic clustering ruleset grouping, isotope regenerating reproducing element-properties etc. and then gives out the structured CSS from the other end.


Meanwhile, if you're still confused about MASS, then let me explain it.

MASS: Module Accumulated StyleSheet

MASS is an awesome way to write stylesheet. The idea behind theorizing MASS is to take off the limitations of Cascaded StyleSheets, which was apt for the web 20 years back. More about it is coming soon, but for now - in lay-man's term - while you write CSS like selector { property: value; }, MASS way of doing it will be property { selector: value; }.


  1. Because I can (well, of course!).
  2. Because the way we write & manage StyleSheets for the web, was conceived & optimized for the web when the number of selectors per page used to be much lower than the number of style-properties; and we're still flogging that old horse.