To to the S3 Demo Directory
- cd /home/ec2-user/environment/GettingStartedAWS-2021/myS3CloudFrontDemo
Create a bucket
- aws s3 mb s3://mys3demo-2021-123 # replace with your bucket name
Upload the index.html file into the bucket
- aws s3 cp index.html s3://mys3demo-2021-123/index.html
Open Console and go to S3
Install Chalice
- sudo pip3.7 install chalice
Create a Chalice Project
- chalice new-project myLambdaDemo
- cd myLambdaDemo
Edit "requirements.txt"
- echo "boto3" > requirements.txt
- echo "Pillow" >> requirements.txt
Edit the app.py code.
- Input Bucket : demo-bucket-input-2021
- Output Bucket : demo-bucket-output-2021
Install the packages
- sudo pip3.7 install -r requirements.txt
Deploy the app.
- chalice deploy
Delete the aoo
- chalice delete
- Store File in S3
- Collect metabada with Glue ETL
- Run Query using Athena
Create a S3 bucket (Already Created : "aws-glue-suman")
- Upload the raw data : yellow_tripdata_2020-06.csv
Open Glue
- Crawler > Name "taxi_data_crawler"
- Path > s3://aws-glue-suman/
- IAM Role > default
- DB Name > mydb
- Prefix > taxi_
Open Athena
SELECT * FROM "mydb"."taxi_aws_glue_suman" limit 10;
SELECT * FROM "mydb"."taxi_aws_glue_suman" WHERE payment_type = 2 limit 10;